Scheduler Processor
- 1. Scheduler
- 1.1. Starting a Task
- 1.2. Stopping a Task
1. Scheduler
The Orbeon Forms Scheduler processor allows applications to start and stop periodic tasks. A task is
defined by a processor and its inputs. You can start or stop a task at any time. The config
input must conform to the following schema:
<grammar datatypeLibrary="" xmlns=""><start><ref name="config"/></start><define name="config"><element name="config"><interleave><zeroOrMore><element name="start-task"><interleave><element name="name"><data type="string"/></element><choice><element name="processor-name"><data type="QName"/></element></choice><element name="start-time"><data type="dateTime"/></element><element name="interval"><data type="long"/></element><optional><element name="synchronized"><data type="boolean"/></element></optional><zeroOrMore><element name="input"><attribute name="name"/><choice><attribute name="url"/><ref name="anyElement"/></choice></element></zeroOrMore></interleave></element></zeroOrMore><zeroOrMore><element name="stop-task"><element name="name"><data type="string"/></element></element></zeroOrMore></interleave></element></define><define name="anyElement"><element><anyName/><zeroOrMore><choice><attribute><anyName/></attribute><text/><ref name="anyElement"/></choice></zeroOrMore></element></define></grammar>
1.1. Starting a Task
You start a task by invoking the Scheduler processor with the start-task
element. The
following table describes the configuration elements.
The name of the task |
Either now or an XML xs:dateTime value such as
2006-06-10T16:20:12 or 2006-06-10T16:20:12.514 .
Interval between tasks in milliseconds. If set to 0 , the task runs only
If set to true , the task won't run if the previous iteration is still
running. Defaults to false .
The qualified name of the processor that is executed when the task runs. |
Inputs of the processor. The input can either be located in a separate file or inline. |
In most cases, the task is described in an XPL pipeline. The following example shows how to use the PipelineProcessor to launch a periodic task.
<p:processor name="oxf:scheduler"><p:input name="config"><config><start-task><name>myTask</name><start-time>now</start-time><interval>10000</interval><processor-name>oxf:pipeline</processor-name><input name="config" url="oxf:/mytask.xpl"/></start-task></config></p:input></p:processor>
1.2. Stopping a Task
You can stop a task with the stop-task
element and the name of the task.
<p:processor name="oxf:scheduler"><p:input name="config"><config><stop-task><name>myTask</name></stop-task></config></p:input></p:processor>