Orbeon Forms User Guide

Yahoo Instant Messaging Processor

1. Scope

This processor can send and receive Yahoo Instant Messages (IM) from within a Web application. To use this processor, you need to create a Yahoo account that will act as the sender. You can send an IM to any Yahoo subscriber. The processor launches a customizable pipeline when an IM is received. The IM processor has two mandatory inputs: session contains login information, and message contains the message to send. A third input, declared in the on-message-received element contains the pipeline to be executed when a message is received. This pipeline must have a data input parameter containing a document describing the incoming message:


2. Config Input

The config input contains basic information such as login, password and definition of the pipeline to execute when an IM is received.

login A Yahoo account, used as the sender of the IM
password The matching password
  • A URL pointing to an XPL pipeline
  • An input name, starting with a #. The IMSerializer must have the corresponding input declared.

3. Data Input

The data input contains the message to send under the message element.

to A Yahoo account to send to message to
body The body of the message to send

4. Example

The following code illustrates the instantiation of the IMSerializer to send a message to the Yahoo account tove from jani. Additionally, a statement is written in the log file when a message is received.

<p:processor name="oxf:im"><p:input name="config"><session><login>jani</login><password>secret</password><on-message-received>#response-pipeline</on-message-received></session></p:input><p:input name="data"><message><to>trove</to><body>Don't forget me!</body></message></p:input><p:input name="response-pipeline"><p:config><p:param name="data" type="input"/><p:processor name="oxf:null-serializer"><p:input name="data" href="#data"/></p:processor></p:config></p:input></p:processor>