Orbeon Forms User Guide

Image Server

1. Purpose

The Image Server processor serves images stored locally or remotely (for example through HTTP) to a Web browser. Only the JPEG format is supported at the moment. Before sending or transforming a resource, the Image Server checks that the resource is a JPEG image. The Image Server is able to perform simple transformations such as scaling and cropping, in which case it also handles a cache of transformed images.

2. Configuration

The config input must follow this Relax NG schema:

<element name="config" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"><interleave><element name="image-directory"><text/></element><element name="default-quality"><data type="float"/></element><optional><element name="use-sandbox"><data type="boolean"/></element></optional><optional><element name="cache"><element name="directory"><text/></element><optional><element name="path-encoding"><choice><value>flat</value><value>hierarchical</value></choice></element></optional></element></optional></interleave></element>

This is an example of configuration:

Element Purpose Format Default
image-directory Specifies the root of the directory containing all the images. URL with a protocol specified. If the directory is local, use the file protocol. You can also use the http or oxf protocols. None.
default-quality Specifies the JPEG quality factor to use when encoding JPEG images.. Number between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.5

If set to false, it disables checking that the images served are strictly under the image-directory hierarchy.


Disabling the sandbox can be a security hazard and should be used at your own risk. If the image paths come from untrustworthy sources, for example the URL entered by a user in a Web browser, you have to make sure that they do not access protected content. Ideally, only paths coming from trusted sources, such as your database or XML configuration files, should be used when the sandbox is disabled.

true or false. true
cache Optional element. If it is not specified, no caching of transformations takes place. If it is specified, at least the directory child element is required. N/A None.
cache/directory Specifies the cache directory. Path specifying the local filesystem directory that contains the cached transformed images. None.

Specifies how cache file names are computed. In this case, the cache builds a hierarchy of directories. A directory is created for each part of the image path separated by either a "/", a "\" or a ":". The benefit of this encoding is that in most cases, the cache directory hierarchy will mirror the hierarchy of the image directory. If different images can be accessed with paths differing only by the "/", a "\" or a ":", this scheme should not be used.

If the flat cache path encoding scheme is selected, the cache will store all files directly under the cache directory. File names will be URL-encoded. This guaranties the uniqueness of the file names in the cache.

hierarchical or flat. hierarchical

3. Image Input

Once the Image Server is configured, its image input can receive processing information. This input must follow this Relax NG schema:

<grammar datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"><start><ref name="image"/></start><define name="image"><element name="image"><interleave><element name="url"><text/></element><optional><element name="quality"><data type="float"/></element></optional><optional><element name="use-cache"><data type="boolean"/></element></optional></interleave><zeroOrMore><choice><element name="transform"><attribute name="type"><value>scale</value></attribute><optional><element name="quality"><choice><value>high</value><value>low</value></choice></element></optional><optional><element name="scale-up"><data type="boolean"/></element></optional><choice><ref name="width-height"/><ref name="max-size"/></choice></element><element name="transform"><attribute name="type"><value>crop</value></attribute><interleave><optional><element name="x"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></element></optional><optional><element name="y"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></element></optional><optional><element name="width"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element></optional><optional><element name="height"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element></optional></interleave></element><element name="transform"><attribute name="type"><value>draw</value></attribute><oneOrMore><choice><element name="rect"><attribute name="x"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute><attribute name="y"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute><attribute name="width"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute><attribute name="height"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute><optional><ref name="color"/></optional></element><element name="fill"><attribute name="x"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute><attribute name="y"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute><attribute name="width"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute><attribute name="height"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute><optional><ref name="color"/></optional></element><element name="line"><attribute name="x1"><data type="int"/></attribute><attribute name="y1"><data type="int"/></attribute><attribute name="x2"><data type="int"/></attribute><attribute name="y2"><data type="int"/></attribute><optional><ref name="color"/></optional></element></choice></oneOrMore></element></choice></zeroOrMore></element></define><define name="width-height"><interleave><element name="width"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element><element name="height"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element></interleave></define><define name="max-size"><choice><element name="max-size"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element><element name="max-width"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element><element name="max-height"><data type="positiveInteger"/></element></choice></define><define name="color"><element name="color"><choice><attribute name="name"><choice><value>white</value><value>lightGray</value><value>gray</value><value>darkGray</value><value>black</value><value>red</value><value>pink</value><value>orange</value><value>yellow</value><value>green</value><value>magenta</value><value>cyan</value><value>blue</value></choice></attribute><attribute name="rgb"><data type="string"><param name="pattern">#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}</param></data></attribute></choice><optional><attribute name="alpha"/></optional></element></define></grammar>

The only required element is the url element. This is interpreted as a URL relative to the image directory.

If use-sandbox is not set to false and the resulting path is not in the sandbox, the processor returns a 404 error code to the Web browser. If the resource does not exist, the processor also returns a 404 error code to the Web browser.

The cache can be disabled by setting the use-cache element to false. It defaults to true.

If only the url element is set, no transformation takes place.

Zero or more transformations can be specified with the transform element. Each transformation is identified by a type attribute that identifies the type of transformation. Each transformation is performed sequentially. If at least one transformation is specified, the quality element can be used to override the configuration's default JPEG quality setting.

3.1. Scaling

If the type attribute is set to scale, a scaling operation is performed. It is possible to either specify a width and height to scale the image to, or one of max-size, max-width or max-height. If scale-up is set to false, no scaling takes place if the specified parameters produce an image larger than the original image. The quality element can be set to low to use a faster but lower-quality algorithm. The default is high.

3.2. Cropping

If the type attribute is set to crop, a cropping operation is performed. All parameters are optional: x, y, width and height. x and y specify the top left corner of the cropping rectangle. They default to 0. width and height specify the size of the cropping rectangle. They default to covering the rest of the image to the right and bottom sides.

Example of image input that will make sure that the maximum size of the image is 100 pixels, without scaling up:

<image><url>relative-path/to/my/image.jpg</url><transform type="scale"><scale-up>false</scale-up><max-size>100</max-size></transform></image>

Example of use of the Image Server processor:

<p:processor name="oxf:image-server"><p:input name="image"><image><url>relative-path/to/my/image.jpg</url><transform type="scale"><scale-up>false</scale-up><max-size>100</max-size></transform></image></p:input><p:input name="config"><config><image-directory>file:C:/images</image-directory><default-quality>0.8</default-quality><cache><directory>c:/oxf-image-cache</directory></cache></config></p:input></p:processor>

In this example, the image file that is accessed is: C:/images/path/to/my/image.jpg. The cached image is stored under c:/oxf-image-cache/path/to/my/.

The image input can be be generated dynamically, for example with an XSLT transformation.

Image transformations can take a lot of memory depending on the size of the source and transformed images. Be sure to set your memory settings accordingly. Concurrent transformations can also yield to higher memory consumption.

4. Drawing

The Image Server also supports drawing basic shapes on an image. Empty and filled rectangles, and lines are supported. Each shape may have a color element.

<image><url>ca-coast.jpg</url><quality>0.7</quality><use-cache>false</use-cache><rect x="10" y="10" height="100" width="100"><color rgb="#ff0000" alpha="ff"/></rect><fill x="100" y="100" height="200" width="200"><color rgb="#00ff00" alpha="55"/></fill><line x1="200" y1="200" x2="300" y2="300"><color rgb="#0000ff" alpha="ff"/></line></image>